
Origin of the 178th is the 362nd FS organized at Hamilton Field, CA in December 1942. Assigned to 357th Fighter Group in 1943 and sent to Leiston, England. 
15 Months of combat = 688 enemy A/C destroyed, 43 Air & 9 A/G Aces. 
162nd Activated at Cox-Dayton Airport in 1946 as part of the OHNG. 
November 1947 the 162nd is officially recognized as the Ohio ANG as part of the AF Org. 
1955 the 162nd moved to Springfield as they moved into the JET age and obtained F-84E's. 

178th Wing History

On October 31, 2017, the 178th Operations Group stopped flying the MQ-1B Predator. After a brief transition period, they began flying the MQ-9 Reaper on December 6, 2017.

The 178th Wing was re-designated during an official ceremony August 3, 2014. While the name change was official July 1, 2014, the ceremony reflected a four-year conversion from the 178th Fighter Wing, which supported a flying mission, to the 178th Wing, which now has intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and support missions.

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162nd Squadron History

The 162nd Tactical Fighter Squadron was constituted as the 362nd Fighter Squadron on December 1, 1942 at Hamilton Field, California. The squadron was assigned to the 357th Fighter Group and went to war flying over the skies of Europe as part of the 8th Air Force, achieving a highly successful war record. 
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ang: A Short Story

The Air National Guard as we know it today -- a separate reserve component of the United States Air Force -- was a product of the politics of postwar planning and interservice rivalry during World War II. The men who planned and maneuvered for an independent postwar Air Force during World War II didn't place much faith in the reserves, especially the state-dominated National Guard. 

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