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Comm Flight conducts Spring IT cleaning

  • Published
  • By Senior Master Sgt. Joseph R. Stahl
  • 178th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
If we're being honest, who doesn't have an extra mouse, keyboard or speakers hidden away somewhere? You never know when you might need them, right?

In reality, we rarely, if ever do actually end up needing them.

A couple individuals in Comm Flight decided to get rid of some of their excess or outdated information technology equipment. The Quality Assurance office was looking at streamlining their equipment account to make accountability easier. Then, at the same time, the Network Control Center was turning in a bunch of equipment due to mission change.

"All of these things just kind of came together in this perfect storm and it kind of grew legs," said Tech. Sgt. Brandon Boos of the 178th Communications Flight, "It was kind of organic."

It's much more efficient to conduct a bulk turn in than everyone turning in their equipment separately at different times, so Boos went around the building letting people know that now is a good time to turn in your unwanted equipment.

This mass turn in goes along with the Lean principle said Boos. "Let's get rid of what we don't need, or what's no longer useful, and that will allow us to focus on what's left."

According to the Lean website, Lean is defined as, maximizing customer value while minimizing waste. Simple, Lean means creating more value for customers.

Lean is a major contributor to Air Force Smart Operations 21. AFSO 21 is an Air Force unique process-improvement program that uses the best parts of several civilian efficiency plans, said Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne at a conference at Andrews Air Force Base, Md.

Staff. Sgt. Jason Wall of Logistics Resource Squadron worked for Comm Flight was very helpful in assisting to make the turn in as efficient as possible.

Boos estimates that Comm Flight is repurposing over half a million dollars in equipment.

"I would absolutely encourage everyone to look around and say, what do we have that we don't need, what's detracting from our real purpose here?" encouraged Boos.