Guardsmen attend Bengals game as part of Veteran's Day celebration Published Nov. 21, 2012 By Staff Sgt. Elisabeth Gelhar, Financial Management 178th Fighter Wing CINCINNATI, Ohio -- Members of the 178th Fighter Wing along with other Ohio National Guard members attended and participated in the Cincinnati Bengals game Nov. 11 in Cincinnati to celebrate Veteran's Day. Even though it was a long day it was truly an amazing experience to be a part of the group selected to participate in the NFL Salute to Soldiers at Paul Brown stadium in Cincinnati. Each guardsman had various duties to perform during the event, from representing the Guard in the Jungle Zone outside of the stadium to flag detail on the field before kickoff. During halftime, four Army National Guard members received a medal for their bravery during overseas events that could have caused harm to themselves and fellow soldiers from enemy attacks. The 123rd Air Control Squadron and members of the Army National Guard were recognized for their recent tours overseas as well. Maj. Gen. Deborah Ashenhurst, Adjutant General Ohio, came out to give her thanks and show support to all of the volunteers and to each member for their support, even Saber Dog. I spent most of the day outside the stadium talking to the public as they headed to and from the game. It was very rewarding to shake hundreds of hands, accept gratitude and hear stories of former service members or a friend or family who are currently in the service. The most amazing part of the entire day was seeing a stadium filled with thousands of people on their feet cheering and clapping to honor the armed services during the halftime military recognition ceremony. The display of gratitude really shows how much the military means to the community... something I think we often take for granted.