178th Fighter Wing observes energy conservation month Published Oct. 15, 2009 By Senior Master Sgt. Joseph R. Stahl 178th Fighter Wing SPRINGFIELD, Ohio -- The 178th Fighter Wing will participate in Energy Conversation Month during October. Chief Master Sgt. Bret Retherford is leading the energy saving effort which will result in significant monetary savings for the base, the state and the federal government. Energy Conservation Month began with the Energy Policy Act of 2005. This act outlines energy goals out to 2015. Per this act, are mandated to reduce energy consumption three percent a year up to 2015 resulting in a total energy reduction of 30 percent. The 178th has surpassed this 30 percent goal every year. The most significant cost savings are being implemented by base civil engineering. Heating and air conditioning is turned off for approximately four weeks during spring and fall. The actual length depends on the weather. This usually results in minimal sacrifice in comfort to building tenets, yet significant reduction in energy consumption. Light bulbs have been removed from some lighting fixtures in hallways, some exterior lighting has been reduced and unit members are encouraged to turn off monitors, printers, and other electronic devices when not in use and especially over weekends. "The biggest piece missing in the wing right now is awareness. That's the piece we need to fix and get everyone involved." said Chief Retherford. Civil engineering has done what they can to conserve energy. On weekends, when no heating or air conditioning is running and no lights are on, our base still consumes 150 kilowatt hours of energy that cannot be accounted for. That's where we as individuals come in. There are many things that individuals can do to help reduce energy costs at work and at home. Turn TV's, lights and computer monitors off when you leave your work area, don't allow vehicles to warm up before driving, walk instead of drive, turn your water heater down to 110 degrees, use compact florescent lights and install a programmable thermostat in your home. "Our goal is to get people to automatically think about conserving energy." said Chief Retherford. If you have any questions on how you can do your part in conserving energy contact your building manager or Chief Retherford in Civil Engineering.