178th Wing Airman selected as ANG Airman of the Year Published April 13, 2016 By Capt. Michael Gibson 178th Wing Public Affairs SPRINGFIELD, Ohio -- The Air National Guard recently selected an intelligence specialist from the 178th Wing to be the 2016 Airman of the Year due to her outstanding performance and community involvement. This award is given to only one Airman chosen from the more than 105,000 Air National Guard members from all 54 states and territories. "This is a big deal," said Col. Bryan Davis, wing commander. "The selection process is extremely competitive. This speaks volumes for our Airmen and the entire wing." The award is given based off the Airman's job performance, personal improvement and community involvement. "I have been here more than 30 years and this is the first time one of our Airmen received this award," said Chief Master Sgt. Scott McKenzie, wing command chief. "This shows the caliber of Airmen we have here at the 178th Wing." The Airman works as a mission intelligence coordinator within the Operations Support Squadron. Her job is to ensure the Operations Group provides critical intelligence support to ground force commanders worldwide. The Airman will now go to compete with the other Air Force Major Commands to be named the Air Force Outstanding Airmen of the Year. "She is an amazing source of positive energy for the unit," said the 178th Operations Group Commander. "Her unrelenting upbeat attitude, coupled with her hard work and attention to detail make her one of the sharpest Airmen I've worked with in my 20 year career." EDITORS NOTE: The Airman's name has been withheld due to the sensitivity of her mission.