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Food trucks come to Springfield ANG base

Tech. Sgt. Jason Hague, 178th Services Flight and Master Sgt. Andrea Fisher, wing staff stand in front of the Painted Pepper food truck July 27 at the Springfield Ohio Air National Guard base. 
Their cooperative effort will bring a variety of food trucks to the base once a week throughout the rest of the summer.

Tech. Sgt. Jason Hague, 178th Services Flight and Master Sgt. Andrea Fisher, wing staff stand in front of the Painted Pepper food truck July 27 at the Springfield Ohio Air National Guard base. Their cooperative effort will bring a variety of food trucks to the base once a week throughout the rest of the summer.

Tech. Sgt. Jason Hague, 178th Services Flight and Master Sgt. Andrea Fisher, wing staff stand in front of the Painted Pepper food truck July 27 at the Springfield Ohio Air National Guard base. 
Their cooperative effort will bring a variety of food trucks to the base once a week throughout the rest of the summer.

Tech. Sgt. Jason Hague, 178th Services Flight and Master Sgt. Andrea Fisher, wing staff stand in front of the Painted Pepper food truck July 27 at the Springfield Ohio Air National Guard base. Their cooperative effort will bring a variety of food trucks to the base once a week throughout the rest of the summer.

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio -- Upon returning from a trip to Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., Col. John Knabel, 178th Wing commander shared with Master Sgt. Andrea Fisher, wing command support staff, that he enjoyed the food trucks that regularly frequented that base.

After a bit of research and coordination, Fisher pursued the possibility of having food trucks visit the 178th Wing.

"I asked our public health office about the possibility of having food trucks come to the base and they assured me that it was possible, so I went from there." said Fisher

Fisher contacted Services Flight member Tech. Sgt. Jason Hague who is active in the Springfield small business community to begin to line up food trucks.

The Painted Pepper serving Southwestern, Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine was the first to visit the 178th July 27.

"The reception to the food truck was very positive," said Fisher, "more than 70 people were severed."

The food truck was very popular with unit members.

"The food truck was a good  idea," said Staff Sgt. Ken Overstreet, 178th Communications Flight," it was a good opportunity to mingle with coworkers you don't usually see."

"I enjoyed having the food truck here today and appreciated that they offered a healthy option," said Staff Sgt. Andrea Sargent.

"Our plan is to have a different food truck here every Wednesday weather permitting," said Fisher.